Info and tips on your itchy pet

A guide to the common types of allergies we see in our small animal patients As a small animal general practitioner some of the most common medical complaints will be related to underlying allergies. When I think of allergies there are 3 main types that I usually...

Activities at home

Activities with kids at home It’s only been about 10 weeks, but it feels like we’ve been in ‘quarantine’ for years. Although many areas are starting to loosen restrictions, I think it will be a while before it feels normal again. In my...

Forming Good Habits

How to add Productivity to Your Day There are some habits which most of us manage to do everyday. Things which are so obvious or expected that you probably don’t even include them on your daily to do list. Things like getting out of bed, brushing your teeth or...

How to keep Fleas out of Your House

My Pet has What?! Dealing with fleas Are you itchy yet? When we hear “Fleas in exam room 2” everyone at work starts scratching. And with summer around the corner it seemed like a great topic. If anyone has ever dealt with fleas before, you already know...

Covid19 and Your Veterinary Clinic

How clinics are staying safe The emergence of Covid19 created some unique challenges in Veterinary medicine. How could we keep our staff safe, our clients safe, and still provide excellent care to our patients. It’s very hard to provide high quality medicine without...