Activities with kids at home

It’s only been about 10 weeks, but it feels like we’ve been in ‘quarantine’ for years. Although many areas are starting to loosen restrictions, I think it will be a while before it feels normal again. In my household we are preparing for a summer of no camp, while I continue to work at the clinic and my husband works from home.

I would love to say that I have filled their days with only educational activities but the truth is I have definitely let my kids watch and re-watch cartoons. The PBS kids app and Disney+ have been a lifesaver!

But I can’t let the TV raise my kids alone, so here are some of the other activities we’ve been doing to get through these days at home.

When the weather is nice we get outside! We have had to deal with some cold and rainy days this spring but we have gone out as much as possible. Even when I am gone all day for work my husband has been taking his laptop out back to work while the girls play.

One of the activities we have enjoyed are scavenger hunts while going on a walk. We spent one walk looking for a purple flower and finally found one! They also love collecting acorns, rocks, and those round spiky balls that fall off a tree (no idea what those are called).

We have also spent time helping them practice on their bikes and playing soccer in the yard.

We are lucky to have a swing set in our back yard. My 5 year old Ellie has finally figured out how to pump her legs on the swing and doesn’t need me to push anymore.

We also went to an empty parking lot to fly a kite on a windy day! This was a such a fun activity, and we didn’t get the kite stuck in any trees or lamp posts.

I also recommend doing activities together like cooking or building something. My husband helped them to build and paint a birdhouse. Now it’s hanging outside our window and we get to watch the birds who have made it their home.

Here we were making some french toast for breakfast. I had to fish out some shell pieces but I even let them crack the eggs.

On those rainy days you are stuck inside I recommend playing games, reading and building puzzles. Another great idea is to sign up for a monthly activity box subscription. In a moment of serendipity I signed up for Kiwi Crates in February. I had never tried them, but as a mom to two little girls who love doing “projects” I thought it would be nice to have a little help. They have been a life saver the past couple of months. So far we have built a kaleidoscope, stomp rocket, an arcade claw, and a constellation lantern.

My two year old is also receiving a crate for her age group. Her projects are simpler and each box has included a little board book which she loves.

These boxes have been so much fun, plus they are educational!

I’m lucky that my kids are young enough to be handling this extended time at home really well. They are happy to just spend time with us. I’m not worrying too much about any loss of education they may be experiencing, and more then anything I just want to keep them happy and stress free.

Thankfully, they seem to be loving the extra time spent with mommy and daddy. One day they’ll be more focused on their friends, but for now I get to enjoy the extra hugs and cuddles.