As a general practitioner at a busy small animal clinic I am frequently asked for advice on how to improve the quality of life for my pets and owners. I see all types of medical issues and over the years I have become familiar with a few products that have impressed me so much I continue to recommend them to my patients. These are not specific to just one issue, or species, but could be helpful for your own pet at home!

1. Feliway Classic and Adaptil Calm

These are synthetic pheromone products designed to mimic the natural pheromones cats and dogs secrete when they are calm. The use of these synthetic pheromones will help create that same sense of calm that cats and dogs feel when they produce the pheromone naturally. We use the Feliway frequently in the clinic to help reduce anxiety in our feline patients. We have diffusers plugged in to an outlet in each exam room, and will also spray the towels and blankets we use to restrain our especially anxious animals. At home the Feliway Classic may help to reduce inappropriate urination or intercat fighting behaviors.

The Adaptil Calm is for canines and can be used for separation anxiety, noise phobias or even for travel anxiety. I love these products because for mild cases I do think they are helpful. And although animals with severe anxiety may need additional therapies, they are still useful for reducing the severity of anxiety or stress in my patients.

2. The Help em Up Harness.

This harness has provided years of improved quality of life for many of my patients. It is a well constructed padded harness, designed for dogs to wear for extended periods, that has handles placed at the hips and shoulders. These handles allow you to lift your dog without as much pain to you or your aging pet. If you have ever had to lift a large dog who can’t stand easily off of the ground you will know how difficult and awkward it can be to get your arms under the belly to pick them up. This can be uncomfortable for the dogs as you are usually putting pressure on the abdomen as you lift them. Doing that multiple times a day, every day, will also take a toll on your own back. The Help em Up harness instead puts the pressure from lifting under their chest and pelvis, and distributes this weight across the padded surfaces of the device.

It is also a great product once your pet is already standing. Many of my patients are weak in their hind legs, or ataxic, which means they cross their legs or stumble as they walk. I am a shorter person and find I can easily support and help keep them steady while walking if they are wearing one of these harnesses. If you are a taller person you may need to bend over slightly but it is still much more comfortable then a sling that goes under your dog’s belly.

This is not a cheap product and will run between $75 to $125 depending on the size you need. But I think it is worth every penny to provide comfort to my sweet old patients who still want to get up and go outside for walks.

3. Dr. Buzby’s ToeGrips

Dr. Julie Buzby designed this product to help aging dogs who are starting to slip on hard surfaces. I frequently get asked what can be done to help my older patients who walk fine on the carpet, but slip on the hardwood or tile. Most of these dogs are dealing with arthritis or weakness in their legs, which doesn’t allow them to maintain a steady gait on smooth surfaces. These rubber grips are placed around your dog’s toe nails and immediately help provide traction on slippery surfaces. These grips are tolerated well by most dogs, and most don’t even notice they are there. They come in multiple colors for a price of $34.99

4. The Suitical Recovery Suit

This is not just a fashion statement. This product is meant to cover the abdomen, sides or chest post surgery so your pet can not lick, scratch or chew at their incisions. I have had both clients and technicians use this product for their pets post spay and neuter. They also have a surgical sleeve option which can protect a leg or shoulder with an incision.  Most of their products are between $25 to $35.

Elizabethan collars will still be required for many situations. But for some dogs, like my own pictured below, they absolutely hate the E-collar so this is a great second option to try. If your pet manages to chew or lick at their surgical incision this can cause secondary infection, delayed healing and increased cost to you. So anything that improves owner compliance and healing for my patients is a winner for me.

5. A Slow Feeder dog bowl

These bowls are perfect for dogs who eat their food too quickly. Eating too quickly can cause abdominal discomfort and sometimes vomiting. I like this metal version because I have had patients who have chewed up the plastic kind. But many of the plastic ones available also do a great job of slowing down how quickly dogs eat by using a maze of twists and turns. Rather then being able to hoover up the food in seconds, dogs must slowly dig the food out of the spaces created by the bowl. Some dogs will get frustrated and just dump the bowl over on the floor. But that still is going to slow down how quickly they can eat!

Are there any products you have tried that have made a huge difference for your pet? I would love to hear about them below!

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