Why I started a blog

,Towards the end of March 2020 my life, like so many others, changed dramatically. As a veterinarian I am considered an essential worker and have continued to work regularly, but my daily life has changed drastically. Right after schools closed in my area I went from working 5-6 days a week to about 3 days.

To be honest, this was a welcome change.

Aside from 12 whirlwind weeks after each of my daughters was born, I have worked full time. Most days I love being a veterinarian, but there are days I feel deeply fatigued from the pressure and emotional toll of this career. The extra time at home meant more time away from a stressful job and extra time with my daughters who are growing up too fast.

I recognize how lucky I am. I still had a job and paycheck and I also still had human interaction! We split in to teams at my clinic which means I still get to see a small group of people regularly. My husband is also working full time from home so we have guaranteed childcare. Despite all the additional stress and worry about what life will be like in the future, I can appreciate the time I have now with my family.

This blog began as a way to fill some extra time I suddenly found in my schedule. But I hope to see it grow in to place for other moms or pet lovers to read about some common interests.