Thank your for visiting my site! My name is Leslie Meko and I’m a mother and small animal veterinarian with over 10 years of experience. This blog is my opportunity to educate readers about various medical issues we see in our small animal patients, and also to discuss my experiences as a working mom.

In 2006 I received, at the time, the most exciting news of my life. I had been accepted into The Ohio State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. A dream I had been working toward since I was a little girl was finally about to come through. For the next 4 years I would learn all I could to be ready to start my career. These were some of the hardest and most exciting years of my life where I was able to meet some amazing and brilliant women. During this time I also married my best friend Tim, and in 2010 I graduated as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

After graduation my husband and I moved with our two dogs and two cats to Virginia where I have practiced as a small animal veterinarian ever since. In 2014 I received the actual best news of my life, and learned we would be having our first daughter. We now have 2 little girls to keep us busy and teach us all the joys and struggles of parenting. We still have the same dogs and cats, but their faces have turned gray and they spend more time sleeping than running.

If you would like to learn more about veterinary medicine or my experiences balancing motherhood and career then please follow my blog!