Why is My Cat Urinating Outside the Litter Box

Why is My Cat Urinating Outside the Litter Box

Inappropriate urination, when cats urinate anywhere outside the litter box, is an incredibly frustrating issue. Cat urine has a very strong smell, and if not cleaned appropriately can leave a lasting odor or stain. So what would trigger a cat to urinate on the carpet...
How I Make More Time for Family

How I Make More Time for Family

As a working mom the one thing I never seem to have enough of is time. Between school runs, work, cleaning and cooking, and after school activities it seems like there is never enough to it. I regularly work weekends so even family days need to be planned and...
Ways to Manage Arthritis in Cats

Ways to Manage Arthritis in Cats

It is estimated that by age 10 most cats are suffering from some degree of arthritis. Signs of arthritis in a cat are less obvious than in dogs. They may be less active and hiding more, or jumping up on furniture less often. Sometimes they will have litter box issues...
Summer Pet Safety Tips

Summer Pet Safety Tips

It’s important to know what risks your pets may face this summer, so you can know how to keep them safe. I discussed ways to keep your pet safe and healthy while traveling in my post ‘Tips to Keep Dogs Safe on Vacation’. But now let’s discuss what you can do all...
Tips to Keep Dogs Safe on Vacation

Tips to Keep Dogs Safe on Vacation

It’s nearly July and many people are starting to plan summer vacations. Due to safety concerns around flying and traveling this year, many people are looking for vacations closer to home. And this means many people are planning to take their dogs as well. If you...