6 Tips to Help your Kids Sleep

6 Tips to Help your Kids Sleep

For the first 2 years of my oldest’s life she resisted sleep with every cell in her body. We spent countless nights rocking her, holding her hand through the crib bars or sleeping on her bedroom floor. I remember one night it was my turn to spend the evening getting...
Cat Nail Trims| A simple tutorial

Cat Nail Trims| A simple tutorial

For a lot of you trimming your cat’s nails may consist of dialing your vet, or a groomer, and scheduling an appointment. And that’s ok! We’ve got the training and equipment necessary to trim the nails of those feisty kitties. But this post is for...
Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs and Cats

Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs and Cats

  A couple of mornings ago my old girl Bonnie woke up feeling pretty sick. She was trembling and she didn’t want to eat breakfast. I was worried she might have a bladder infection because she has had them before. I collected a sample of her urine that morning and...
10 Lessons and Qualities to Teach my Daughters

10 Lessons and Qualities to Teach my Daughters

I have been given the privilege to raise two beautiful and wonderful daughters. Every day they make me laugh and bring me so much happiness. It has been a joy to watch them grow and I can’t wait to see what kind of women they grow in to. I have no intention of...