Since getting back from our cabin vacation our schedule has suddnely become pretty busy with school preparations. When schools and activities closed down we became pretty secluded. Anna had a 3 year check up early in the summer which was a big deal at the time since she’d been home for 3 months. And the rest of the summer was similarly quiet. But now with school starting back next week we are starting to dip our toes back in to a routine and schedule. Next Tuesday my oldest will start her kindergarten year online and my youngest will be going to her first day at a new preschool.

To get prepped for school we had to go pick up her laptop which is being provided to every student by the school. Then we had a virtual visit with her teacher to introduce ourselves and learn about the schedule for the year. In our school district there is no plan to go back to in person learning any time soon. In fact they may stay online for the entire school year, versus trying to change things half way through. Our schedule is logging in from 9am to 11:30am every morning. Then a 1 hour break for lunch and recess followed by logging back in for 2 hours in the afternoon. The teacher said there will be 10 minute breaks throughout the day, but still this is a long time for children to be on the computer. So I wanted to make sure Eleanor’s study desk was inviting and comfortable.

The old writing desk I took with me to college was till downstairs in our basement. The girls use it to color and draw pictures sometimes, and it’s a good place to store office supplies. Now it’s going to be Ellie’s school desk. My first concern was that she would be too distracted facing out a window. I took an old chalkboard we had and it fit perfectly in the center of the window. There will still be some direct light that comes in, but her direct view of the sidewalk and street will be limited. We can also use it as a calender and somewhere to write any subjects or words she is learning.

My other concern was her comfort level. If she’s going to be sitting in front of a computer for hours, I would like for her to have a comfortable place to sit. The chair we have at the desk is old with a wooden back and thin cushion. I found this sherpa chair cushion to put on top which will provide som extra padding and warmth in the winter when the basement gets cold. It can be found here on Amazon’s website.

I also ordered her a unicorn pencil case from Amazon to store her supplies. Her teacher recommended we decorate her work station with some of her art work as well so it feels like her own space. The other benefit of using this desk, and not the kitchen table, is that her dad’s desk is in the corner of the room. He is working from home full time, and will continue to do so until she returns to in person school. So he’ll be nearby and can help her out with any technical issues. When I’m not at work, he’ll also be able to take his laptop outside or upstairs so he won’t be distracted. We aren’t sure how he’s going to do his zoom meetings when I’m at work. He obviously doesn’t want to interrup her class, but can’t avoid meetings all day. We’re thinking he could go in to the guest bedroom which is in the basement, and she can find him easily if she has any issues.

It’s going to be a learning process for sure! And not just for us and the students, but for the teachers as well. I know many other schools have already gone back to school, and I also know the virtual learning has been stressful for everyone. I’ll update in a month or two on how things are going, and if I’ve come up with any ways to make things easier. For example my brother makes sure my niece gets outside for 30 minutes after lunch and isn’t sitting in front of a screen. I’m going to follow his example as well and try to get Ellie out on the swing set after she eats.

The other big change coming is my youngest is starting at her new preschool on the same day. I’m so glad she’ll be getting back in to a schedule and be able to play with kids her own age. But I’m sad and worried too. She’s been home with us for the past 6 months and it’s been so nice to spend more time with her. Even though I’ve still been working outside the home, I still have been able to spend more time with her because I’m not working around her school schedule as well. I’m going to miss playing with her, but I hope she’s having too much fun to miss me. This will also mean less distractions for Ellie.

These girls have grown so close this summer with no one else to really play with. I don’t have a sister myself, and I love watching their bond and friendship grow. But I am ready for the day when they are able to play with other kids.

Anna will get to go to her new preschool for a couple hours this week to meet her teachers and new classmates. I am hoping for a smooth transition! And although Ellie will be stuck on a computer, I hope she is still able to socialize with the other kids. If not we’ll try to an activity like dance or soccer that she can sign up for. It’s just hard to find the balance between offering fun and safe activities in the current environment, but we’ll figure it out.

Six months ago we adapted to a situation I don’t think we ever could have imagined, so I know we’ll get through this next year as well. It may not be fun or easy, but eventually we’ll either get the hang of it or just get through it.

I’m wishing the best to all of the other students, parents and teachers going through the stress of school this year! Try to stay optimistic, safe and sane during this crazy time.

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