Fresh Step is a leader in producing high quality cat litter that pet owners like. They have recently released a new product called Fresh Step with Febreeze Gain Scent. It is advertized as a dust free cat litter with Febreeze Gain scent that is to keep your house odor free.

I was asked by Chewy if I would be willing to try out this new product in my own home and give a review. I received the product a little over 1 week ago.

I cleaned out one litter box and filled it up with the new product. I also left our second box filled with the cat litter we have been using for the past year in case my cats didn’t like the new litter.

My first impression came when I was pouring the cat litter in to the box. It is advertised as dust free and it lived up to it’s claim. There was no dust cloud created as the litter was poured. As a veterinarian and personal owner to a cat with feline asthma this is an important quality for me personally. Their respiratory tracts are very sensitive to dust particles and looking for dust free litter is one way to prevent them.

I have observed my cat for the past week and have not seen any asthma attacks!

Here are the facts advertised by Fresh Step for this new product:

  1. 99.9% Dust free
  2. Clumping litter
  3. Contains Activated Charcoal to stop bacterial odor for 10 days
  4. Has the scent of Febreeze Gain to keep your house smelling nice

Here is my own personal experience from the past week.

For the first 2 days I did not notice my cats using the new box, which is pretty typical of cats. They don’t always like change. But after 2 days they each started using the box.

I mentioned before that it did seem to live up to the dust free claim and my asthma cat has done very well with it this week.

It has also been very easy to scoop. The granules are very small and the urine clumped together tightly. I didn’t have any urine piles that fell apart as I scooped them.

One of the other things I usually hate about scooping the litter boxes is how tired my arm gets trying to dig through the litter to find poop that needs scooped. This product was light weight and easier to dig through. And the tightly clumped urine meant less repeated attempts to get the box clean.

The litter box with the Fresh Step litter also smells much nicer then the box with our regular litter. It’s been about a week and I no longer smell the Febreeze Scent but what’s better is I’m not really smelling anything at all.

One con I have is that when my cat first used the box, he smelled like the litter when he later got in my lap. It is a pleasant scent, but I don’t really love the reminder that my cat was just in his toilet before sitting on me.

This could also be an issue for owners who have their own sensitivies to scented products.

Now to discuss the price. Chewy has the 42 pound bag listed at $22.99.

I compared this to what we currently pay. We order a different brand and pay $27.99 for a 40 pound bag, so the Fresh Step wins.

Chewy also offers the autoship option which is great if you’re like me and want to reduce some of mental load needed to keep your house running smoothly.

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